Hello Goddess. I am Schamet and I am here to help the world become a better place.

Schamet Horsfield knew early on that she was here to help the world become a better place and birth in the new paradigm. She knew she was a healer and change agent when she was a little girl.

Schamet’s motto, “Transforming wounds into wisdom and wisdom into superpowers so you can manifest an abundant life of your wildest dreams.” has been the story of her life. Schamet left home at 15 years old and vowed to heal her generational family wounds and patterns and become the best version of herself, and she has achieved that and more. She has walked the path of the wounded healer and alchemized her life on all levels. Schamet has experienced every word, story, and metaphor in this oracle deck; she has lived it. She speaks from direct experience as she walks the walk and talks the talk. 

Schamet has been working as a healer on and off for 30 years. She guides her clients to create new and empowering beliefs and patterns and, ultimately, new stories that anchor in the change they want to see and be in the world. The ripple effect is that they can powerfully & consciously create more joy, fulfillment, and passionate purpose. 

Schamet has trained with many masters in the field of positive psychology, new paradigm healers, teachers, and leaders and has completed several certificates in the field of the healing arts, which include movement therapy, yoga teacher, chakra energy healer, transformational belief coach, Results Coach, Clairvoyant Oracle, and Sacred Depths Practitioner.

Schamet is an ordained Priestess and an Oracle. She trains others in the art and cultivation of Intuition, Rites, Ritual, Ceremony, and psychic development and acts as a sacred divine feminine leader, speaker, teacher, and author. 

Schamet helps her clients heal generational wounds/patterns, deep soul/energy clearing, healing the inner child, shadow work, developing crystal-clear intuition, and re-writing a new story that puts her soul clients in the driver's seat of their lives as an intuitive co-creator/creatrix. Schamet believes that when you change your beliefs, patterns, and story, you can change your life; when we heal ourselves, we heal the world, as this has been her direct experience.

Schamet Horsfield lives with her husband of over twenty years, two teenage boys, and two fur babies in her dream home in Island Bay, New Zealand, which she consciously created.

When Schamet is not writing, working with clients worldwide, dancing, or making art, she can be found at Victoria University reading psychology books. At the beautiful age of fifty, she is getting her master's degree in Psychology, inspired by Louise Hay, who instilled in Schamet that there is always time to start something new. 

Schamet is a lifelong learner who loves mastery and is fascinated by alchemy, transformation, and the awakening of consciousness on all levels.


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Contact email: schamet@schamethorsfield.com

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My Awakening story...

First of all, I LOVE superheroes!!! My two favorite shows when I was a little girl were Wonder Woman and Bewitched. I remember being relatively small and the first time I saw Wonder Woman and the Movie Super Man (the original) I had a memory of being home ...on another planet....a planet of peace and love where everyone had magical powers and everyone understood energy & everyone spoke telepathically. I have a deep and soulful memory that I am an Amazon Wonder Woman, and I had come to planet Earth to bring the magic of where I came from (Sirius) to planet Earth.

I always knew I was different from everyone else. I could see into people, feel people's energy, and know things I should not know, and it made some people very uncomfortable. It was not an easy childhood, as no one told me about my gifts or how to use them, and often, I felt it was more of a curse than a blessing. However, seeing Wonder Woman, Superman, and Bewitched helped me start to understand pieces of who I am.

I started up a Care Bear Club when I was around 10 years old (Not sure of the exact age as it was so long ago!) for all the local kids in my neighborhood and for my own healing and soulful connection as my parents were in the middle of a divorce and I needed love, kindness, connection and community. We would get together and play Dungeons and Dragons. I reflect back on this now as I'm still running my own adult version of "Carebear clubs".....I now call them Women Wisdom Awakening Full Moon Circles and we create a different type of magic together!

My parents were not religious or spiritual. I needed support and answers so I joined the church at 7 years old. I became Christian and was baptized in the holy spirit. I spoke in tongues and was a devout Christian until I was a young adult. I actually had a very good experience with the church. I loved the community aspect, the singing, the love, the connection, and the support. I was in a choir called Something Higher, and we used to go into the prisons and sing about love, kindness, and hope!

However, when the church told me crystals and concerts were evil, then I did not feel aligned with them as I always loved crystals as they are natural and part of the Earth. I also witnessed a lot of hypocrisy and so there were certain aspects that were not in complete alignment with my soul.

The psychic spiritual awakening that completely changed my life happened to me when I was in my early twenties. I had a premonition dream: my father died, and he died the very next day. Luckily, because I listened to my dream, I called my dad and had a wonderful and healing connection before he died. However, I mistakenly shared the dream with a family member who did not know how to support me, and she called me a witch and blamed me for my father's death. I loved my father and was deeply traumatized by his death, the dream, and the terrible accusation from this family member who did not understand what it means to have psychic abilities. I was so scared that I might be a witch.... growing up in America and being a Christian, the thought of being a witch meant that I had evil inside of me. It took years for me to work through the grief, shame, blame, and false accusations, and it took me a long time to understand what it meant to be clairvoyant/psychic. I had a dream of a business card being handed to me, and one week later, the exact card I dreamed about was handed to me. The card owner became my clairvoyant teacher back in 1993. She helped me and guided me upon my clairvoyant path and helped me step into the power of my abilities and own them. With her help and guidance, I  was able to see them as a blessing and not a curse.  As a result, I have made this part of my life work and soul purpose. I am passionate about helping support empaths & intuitives to develop their psychic abilities and intuitive gifts. 

In 2004, we lived in London, and I spent every weekend in Glastonbury as the energy there aligned with who I am. I became friends with many locals and was taken under the wing of a High Priestess as she saw the magic and power in me initiated me into my Priestesshood, and made me aware that I am an Oracle. It was a powerful initiation & activation. It was powerful as this was when I connected to Christ's consciousness, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Sekhmet, and my spiritual guides. I recently was guided to bring the power of the Priestess to Goddesses who are ready for this activation and bring more healing & the redemption of the Sacred Divine feminine spirit and the healing of the patriarchy/ matriarchal wounds to women & men who are ready.

I now know that to be a Witch is to be a woman in total control of herself! ( This is also the name of an Amazing Oracle deck called W.I.T.C.H. (It is one of my favorite decks! I use it in my Oracle readings often!)






Because I have walked this path of healing and transforming shame, blame, and persecution and have stepped into my sovereign power and psychic superpowers, I help others upon their healing journey. I have transformed my wounds into my wisdom, my wisdom into my superpowers, and now I help others on their new feminine paradigm awakening journey. I also help women heal and transform their Witch wounds, which is a very powerful portal to their intuition, magic, and personal empowerment!

Love a New Paradigm Priestess Blessings

Schamet Horsfield

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