Transform Wounds to Wisdom

Wisdom to Superpowers Masterclass

May 26th, 2024

"Transform wounds to wisdom and wisdom to manifesting superpowers FREE MASTERCLASS!"

 "Transform your wounds into wisdom, your wisdom into superpowers, so that you can consciously create a life of your wildest dreams!"  

Yes, I want to join the free masterclass! 

Are you ready to delve deep, move through abundance blocks, and let go of beliefs that no longer serve you?

In this masterclass, Schamet will share her secret sauce recipe for going from wounds to wisdom and wisdom to superpowers!

Learn step by step tried and true tools to birth your vision into reality and manifest your most abundant life. 

Gain an in-depth somatic understanding of the chakra system

Rewrite Your money story. 

Learn how to let go and surrender to your highest good. 

Break though Abundance blocks once and for all.

Learn powerful tools to help you find your ground no matter where you are.

Step into the authenticity of who you are with a balance of love and true personal power. 

Establish physical and energetic boundaries.

Step into the ability to say NO. Activate your courage to commit to YES.

Find you soul path purpose work & Connect with your tribe.

Gain tools so that you can be in the driver seat of your life.

Find your authentic voice 

Speak your truth powerfully 

Learn how to communicate from your heart, mind, and embody your voice.

Become a respected and powerful voice that people listen to.

Remove abundance blocks, raise your vibration, and connect to your higher self.

Become crystal clear about what "YOUR" dreams are. Connect with your Intuition so you may consciously create the life of your dreams. 

Manifest with laser beam precision so you get exactly what you are consciously creating.

Become a master manifestor who knows how to surrender and let go...and I mean "really" let go.

Trust that the Universe supports you.

Is the Oracle Awakening in you?

When you register for my free Wounds to Wisdom & wisdom to Superpowers masterclass about awakening the Oracle Within, you will get this free Guidebook!

This masterclass delves into the reasons and blocks for consciously creating our most abundant lives and how to release limiting beliefs and patterns and step into our highest potential. You will learn about intuition, psychic superpowers, and how to heal generational wounds and patterns.

The masterclass will be live on Zoom with Schamet Horsfield, and you will get an email with details one week before the event!

Yes, please register me for the masterclass and free guidebook!

Meet Wounds to Wisdom Oracle, Transformational Coach, and Soul Purpose Guide Schamet Horsfield.

Hello, I am Schamet Horsfield, and I have been manifesting my most abundant life on all levels for over 25 years!

I have true love, the family of my dreams, the body I desire, happiness, joy, internal peace, and time freedom, and I have consciously created my dream career! I do not say this to brag but to inspire, as I want all of this and more for YOU, and I can help you get there if you are ready!

I was born with the understanding and ability to manifest quickly, and in fact, I realized I must become a bit of a Jedi Master of my energy so that I wouldn't manifest the things I didn't want! Now that I am older and wiser, I have learned to become a conscious creator and manifest intentionally and by my design!

I can help YOU become a Jedi Master of your energy so you can consciously create your most abundant life, too!

If you are ready to live life by your design, I look forward to seeing you in the masterclass!

A personal message from Schamet Horsfield.

One of my superpowers is that I am a master at manifesting!

I have always known how to manifest easily and quickly, even before it was popular or understood.

However, I had to learn to be careful with this superpower as I would also manifest the things I didn't want!

In regard to love, I had a difficult childhood, and my parents went through a traumatic divorce. As a result, my heart was closed for many years & I closed myself off from genuinely falling in love.

That was an old version of me over 24 years ago before I learned to love myself and attract more love and beauty to myself than I could ever possibly imagine!

When I look back I realize that LOVE is what I truly wanted deep down inside of my heart and soul the whole time and as soon as I remembered who I truly was I was able to learn to love myself, awaken to my soul path purpose and attract the kind of love that was not only lasting but that would become a big part of my spiritual path and soul evolution.

I was able to heal my generational wounds, patterns, and self-limiting beliefs and consciously create the man of my wildest dreams! I am forever on this path!

After 24 years of passionate joy, love, and intimacy in my marriage, I now help my soul clients let go of what may be blocking them from love and attract the partner of their dreams! Because I have walked this path, I have the roadmap to true and lasting self-love & consciously creating one's soul mate & life partner. I walk the walk and talk the talk and love, LOVE itself!

I also love to help couples reignite their passion and create more love and intimacy within their relationships.

I have helped many soul clients not only save their marriages but also reconnect & fall passionately in love all over again!

Abundant blessings of love & passion,

What I love about this image above the most is that it was taken on our wedding day 2004! This photo of my husband and me was taken right as we were saying yes to our commitment to love and devotion to each other! It is such a magical, timeless moment, and you can feel the love and passion between us. I can feel it instantly when I look at this photo! If you are looking for love, then this masterclass is for you!

Yes, I want to join the Wounds to Wisdom masterclass

Testimonial Reviews from those who have worked with Schamet Horsfield.

I had an amazing session with Schamet and it blew me away! It was such a wonderful experience and gave me such clarity. Happy to report that the majority has come true and the soul partner we talked about walked into my life just weeks after the reading!!

Leesa Watt~ Anxiety Coach & Social Media Expert

I have found Schamet to be an enthusiastic generous leader of the various activities and courses I have participated in this year.

She is warm, encouraging, and positive. She brings people together in a way that allows them to share without judgment.

She also is willing to share her own stories that are relevant to whatever we are studying or practicing at the time.

This is refreshing in that she does not set herself up as a Guru above others.

 I have found Schamet open, honest, and warm-hearted. She treats every member of her course as a sacred gem, a person who has treasures to share.

She teaches by giving herself permission to be vulnerable and telling stories, which encourages others to have the courage to do the same, being vulnerable to share and face their own shadow with the courage to see what it reveals for their future growth.

~Pam Stainton: Author/Teacher/Priestess

I have been on this Priestess training with Schamet for most of this year and have worked with her in other trainings too. What an amazing soul! The transformations that have taken place not just in me but in all of the women have been spectacular. Women stepping into their power and embodying the Divine. We have learned to face our shadows, our wounds, and our fears and found ways to be thankful for them, a skill I never knew was even possible. This has been a life-altering course and I can not recommend it highly enough.

Diane Wright- Transitional Grief Guide & Soul Coach

Schamet is an outstanding guide and gifted, authentic priestess/facilitator. The depth of bonds forged in our priestess training circle speak volumes about her skill and superpowers and I am honored to be a part! I would not hesitate to recommend her to all. Everyone in our circle is experiencing massive transformation thanks to the safe, spacious container created by Schamet.

Maginel Galt: Priestess & Spiritual Midwife

I knew by signing up for the priestess training that it will be transformational. More than halfway through training now I have to say Schamet helped me and I’m sure the other priestess in training to face ourselves, see our true potential, and find our magic. She is encouraging from her heart and deep understanding that transformation isn’t an easy walk but worth going. I thank you Schamet with deep gratitude for your work.

Beata Gehricke ~ Reiki Master/Priestess/Healer

What a truly awesome Leader, in her field of expertise! Big shifts, great support along with fantastic friendships. If you want to explore more of yourself then look no further. You are meant to be where you are right now, don't doubt it, just do it you won't regret it only the opposite!

Suzee Gee: Intuitive & Empathic Private Investigator

Testimonial Reviews from those who have worked with Schamet Horsfield.

My Chakra healing with Schamet was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life so far..she is a truly wonderful soul..i was swept along on a journey of love and mind was cleared..i was grounded and lifted to a calm place and this amazing woman fixed my broken wings and inspired me to be strong..the healing room has one of the best backdrops of the Wellington coastline...I recommend this to everybody..the best spiritual counselling you will ever have..Thankyou for sharing your special powers with me..blessed be xx💟💟~Jane Carey~Goddess: Warrior Goddess and Carer of Souls

Schamet is a star pick and top of her class, as a life coach, a love coach, and a healer. She is a woman that walks her talk and her power is far-reaching. She legitimately does distance healing (which I used to be skeptical about). After one session I felt like years of confusion and pain washed off me. She is a gentle empathetic listener, and she is a strong warrior willing to tell you the truth and help you bring your spirit alive with power. Schamet knows how to handle the delicacy of your heart, while also helping you manage your mindset. I kid you not when I say I felt as if a backpack full of heavy stones were removed from my body and soul. I've waited ten years to finally find someone to help support me with the right balance of mind/body/spirit. If you want a top-notch coach who will help you navigate your energy, heart, and mind, Schamet is the one. Get a hold of her before she has a huge waiting list. 

Thank you Schamet!

~Dawn Montefusco Transformational Writing Coach 

I've literally just come out of a session with this bright and brilliant Priestess, and I am deeply grateful for the work I have just been able to do in her sacred container. I call her a Priestess because of where and what she can access. I have carried this wound for so long swaddled deep inside me. I was so unaware of the power this wound had in my life. I already knew there was really nothing 3D that would benefit me. I have been trying to reclaim this part of myself for years. This work could only be done in me with someone who could make the multidimensional connections. Guide me to the stellar truth and bring the work and the messages from these higher dimensions. Her love is vast and transmissive, her heart is a golden open gate. She has the power to bring new awareness to you so sweetly, that your whole self runs to embrace it. Schamet held me as sacred, she fearlessly moved with my vided imagination in guiding me to the new place, new thought and new belief. I needed to hear something new, and what I received has caused a rebirth in me. My eternal thanks Schamet.


Rachel Rose Little Crow: Priestess & Oracle

Schamet is an amazing healer, coach, and Goddess

She has a wide array of knowledge that can help any clients because studied with so many teachers and mentors. And more importantly, she has so much passion to help people.

I am so inspired by her vision and leadership skill to create an amazing Summit with important figures in our lifetime.

After working with her on a Summit, I can say I highly recommend her for any service she offers.

Michelle Shinigawa~Reiki Master Teacher & Relationship Coach

Schamet's intuition is spot on. I had a session with her regarding meeting my soul mate, something I've been at work on for a long time. She honed in immediately on some past trauma. After 1 hour with her, I felt as if something had untangled. I felt clearer about what I wanted as if he was right there beside me. And shortly after, I met him. I highly recommend working with Schamet. 

Leanne Babcock: Coach/Speaker/Author

Schamet Horsfield

Schamet Horsfield believes with her whole heart and soul that love is the most important energy and spiritual pathway on the planet.

Schamet went on a path of self-love & self-healing over 25 years ago. She was deep in meditation in the temple of Sekhmet in Egypt in 1999 and received spiritual guidance direct from her spirit guides that she was meant to marry herself and so she did which has resulted in deep healing.

This ceremony and pathway have been a foundational cornerstone of the work Schamet guides her soul clients through in her priestess training.

Schamet consciously created her life partner which is the man of her wildest dreams, 24 years ago, had a fairy tale dream wedding come true, and lives with the love of her life (passionately), two beautiful children, and her dog Snowy Starla in Stockholm, Sweden.

Conscious Creation Coach, Clairvoyant Oracle, New Paradigm Priestess, Sacred Divine Feminine Light Leader, Sacred Depths Practitioner, Transformational Beliefs Coach, and Creatrix of the Awaken the Priestess Within which is an Online Mystery School & 10-month Sacred Divine Feminine Soul Coach Practitioner Training.

Schamet is passionate about helping people become more aware of self-limiting beliefs, abundance blocks, unhealthy patterns, and whatever might be holding her soul clients back from consciously creating the life of their wildest dreams. She loves to powerfully guide women & men upon their empowering journey of transforming wounds into wisdom and wisdom into superpowers.


-Schamet Horsfield

Schamet is here to contribute to making this world a better place by awakening consciousness, birthing in the New Paradigm & activating those who are ready to become part of the solution.

With her Clairvoyant Gifts and particular Intuitive brand of magic, she helps her clients develop Intuition, and psychic gifts, awaken the sacred divine feminine energy, activate priestess power, align to their soul path purpose, deepen intimacy & love of self and in relationships, manifest their soul mates, realign with passion, and become Sovereign Queens, Awakened Priestesses, & Sacred Divine Feminine Leaders.

Book a Complimentary clarity connection call with Schamet Horsfield
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